加速硕士(AMTMS) -数学和科学教学(在线)




在线数学和科学教学加速硕士课程是为了培养STEM领域的全职熟练教师而创建的, one-year 15 month online program. Impact student learning, change lives, and earn higher placement on the salary schedule.



The 教育学院 Difference

Seattle Pacific was founded more than 125 years ago, 90多年来,该大学一直在为该地区培养一些最受欢迎的教育工作者. 今天,进入教育学院的研究生课程竞争非常激烈. 教师们——每个人都教授他或她自己的课程,每个人都拥有博士学位——都在努力开发严格的质量项目.

The 教育学院 at 好的赌博软件推荐 offers more than a dozen graduate programs. You can choose from three doctoral programs, seven master’s degree programs, and five certification programs, all of which focus on developing competence, 字符, 领导, 以及教育工作者的服务. While many students train to become teachers, others prepare for roles as school counselors, 校长, 负责人, 民政事务处人员, or professors in higher education. SPU在华盛顿和全国的P-12教育中享有很高的声誉, 完成研究生学位和证书课程的学生就业率高于全州平均水平.

Why Seattle Pacific for your Online Accelerated Master in Teaching Math and Science?

School districts have long sought after SPU-educated teachers for both their competence and 字符. Many graduates have gone on to blaze new trails with the creation of STEAM (science, 技术, 工程, arts, 数学) programs in rural Washington areas, 甚至还获得了华盛顿州的年度教师奖, 这项荣誉每年只授予一位杰出的华盛顿教师. 在线数学和科学教学加速硕士课程旨在为STEM领域的全职熟练教师做好准备, 一年制在线课程. 获得更高的薪酬安排,并成为显著影响学生的学习和改变生活的装备.

  1. 完成教师

    专家,有爱心的教师有帮助学生成功的愿望. Faculty are known for mentoring their students during and following their educational programs. 这些教授通过自己的学术活动为终身学习树立了榜样, 经常发布, and presenting at professional conferences.

  2. AACU会员

    好的赌博软件推荐是美国高校协会和美国教师教育学院协会的成员. SPU certification programs are approved by the Washington state Professional Educator Standards Board. 教育学院也是独立文理学院教师教育协会的成员, 有一章, 等于, Chi Sigma Iota, an international honor society that values academic and professional excellence in counseling.

  3. 深刻的性格强调

    Built on an 字符 education foundation, the graduate programs at SPU offer first-class education through the lens of Christian faith and values. Students take ethics courses, and 字符 issues are integrated throughout the curriculum.

  4. 灵活的格式

    A new cohort begins each summer. 暑期课程分为网上和校内两部分. Online classes begin in late June. The on-campus portion begins in late July. Student teaching begins in late August. 在学年期间,候选人每周上一晚课.

    专为居住在华盛顿农村的工作专业人士设计, Summer Session is divided into two parts, online and on-campus during the summer. 学生教学部分. During the academic year, candidates attend evening classes one or two nights a week each quarter.

  5. 联系校友

    教育学院的毕业生将在全国各地的学校和区级领导中从事有意义的职业. 当你从SPU教育学院获得研究生学位时, you join a community of alumni who stay connected.




该计划的完成符合数学和科学教学硕士学位和华盛顿州的要求 Residency Teacher 认证. After completing certification requirements, SPU教育学院认证办公室推荐教师执照的候选人 Office of Superintendent of Public 指令. 完成五个额外的研究生课程,满足数学和科学教学硕士学位的要求.

Program Schedule and cohort info

A new cohort begins each summer. 暑期课程分为网上和校内两部分. Online classes begin in late June. The on-campus portion begins in late July. 在学年期间,候选人每周上一晚课.





AMTMS项目的认证部分是45个学分. 大约三分之一的学分分配给学生教学, which is full-time and supervised, 在教室里呆了180天. Completion of certification courses, 实习要求, and passing program assessments qualifies candidates for a Washington Residency Certificate. This certificate enables candidates to teach in public and private schools in Washington state. The master’s degree is earned by completing an additional 15 graduate-level credits or five classes.


  • 展示 有效的教学实践
  • 定心 对学生成绩寄予厚望的指导
  • 识别和回应 to individual student learning needs
  • 提供 明确和有意地关注主题内容和课程
  • 培养和管理 a safe, positive learning environment
  • Using 多个学生数据元素,以修改教学和提高学生的学习
  • Communicating and collaborating with parents and the school community
  • 表现出 collaborative and collegial practices focused on improving 指令 and learning

注意:该计划的认证部分和硕士部分的学费是不同的. 而认证课程则以较低的价格提供, 所有硕士课程的学生都按照正常的研究生学费费率学习硕士课程. 


Coursework begins in the summer with online and on-campus classes in learning theory, 一般教学方法, 课程设计, 扫盲策略. 考生与在数学和科学方面获得同样认可的同龄人一起上课,以促进大学之间的相互依存.

Internship begins in late August as K–12 teachers return to school for in-service training. 候选人在整个学年实习,同时完成在线课程. 课程结合实习经验,协助学员将教育理论与研究应用于规划, 指令, 和评估.

Candidates are paired with a mentor teacher and university field supervisor in a school setting. 在整个K-12学年期间,每周实习五天, including in-service and end-of-the-year activities. Candidates may have up to two release days a month to attend to program requirements and wellness goals.

候选人和导师遵循共同教学模式, where responsibility for planning, 指令, 管理, 评估是共享的. Candidates begin internship with focused observations and progress to independent teaching. 在实习, 候选人完成旨在最大化现场经验的作业, 比如反射, 课程计划, 项目评估. 实习结束时,候选人将课堂责任的控制权交还给他们的导师老师.


Completion of the MTMS Degree

Candidates earn the MTMS degree by completing five additional graduate-level courses, 共计15学分. 这些课程按研究生的常规学费收费. 认证不需要MTMS学位所需的课程. However, most candidates complete degree requirements immediately following certification to increase their salary. Candidates may delay completion of degree requirements for five years following the quarter of admission, as long as active enrollment status is maintained by completing one class every four quarters.

获得高等学位的AMTMS课程的学生可以从上一所学校转移15个学分中的12个学分。所有学生都需要完成EDU 6085教育中的道德问题才能获得MTMS学位.


参加amtms在线课程的候选人遵循的课程顺序旨在超越当今教室的需求. Graduates complete the program with knowledge and skills required for effective teaching, developed through integration of internship experiences, 积极的同伴相互依赖, 以及专注于教中学生数学和科学的教学法.


Summer I

EDRD 6530 Disciplinary Literacy and Language Learning (3)
EDU 6100 Introduction to Equitable Teaching (3)

EDU 6140

课堂管理与学习者心理1 (2)

EDU 6170

调查、教学 & Assessment Methods for Math/Sci (3)

EDU 6944

Professional Learning Network (1)


EDU 6141

课堂管理与学习者心理II (2)

EDU 6171

调查、教学 & Assessment Methods for Math and Science II (3)

EDU 6526

Survey of 指令al Strategies (3)

EDU 6944

Professional Learning Network (1)

EDU 6945 Residency Student Teaching Internship (4)



调查、教学、 & Assessment for Math and Science III (3)

EDU 6139 Professional Issues Internship Seminar (2)
EDU 6944 Professional Learning Network (1)

EDU 6945

Residency Student Teaching Internship (4)



Culturally Sustaining Teaching for Diverse Learners (3)

EDU 6139

Professional Issues Internship Seminar (2)

EDU 6173

调查、教学、 & Assessment for Math and Science IV (3)

EDU 6944
Professional Learning Network (1)

EDU 6945

Residency Student Teaching Internship(4)


EDSP 6644 *

Educating Exceptional Students (3)

EDU 6085 *

Moral and Theological Issues in Education (3)

EDU 6120 *

American Education: Past and Present (3)

*indicate a master’s component course. Many students complete the master’s degree component during the summer following internship.


申请amat在线课程的申请人符合这些特征之一, 虽然所有的途径都需要学士学位和在高需求地区或地方一级的认可.

Route 2: For district staff with a bachelor’s degree.

目前聘用的学区工作人员(如 辅助教育工作者、教学助理或教育助理)至少有一年的学生互动和领导经验

Route 3: For “career changers” with a bachelor’s degree.


路线4: 具有学士学位及有限资格证书之地区职员.

在公立学校工作的教师持有有限的证书,如证书  Conditional or Emergency substitute Certificate or teachers employed in private schools





副教授 of Teacher Education
PhD, 好的赌博软件推荐

Email: baliramn@gcherish.com
Phone: 206-281-2453
Office: 彼得森大厅 410


Assistant Dean, Graduate Programs
PhD, University of Washington

Email: sbeers@gcherish.com
Phone: 206-281-2707
Office: 彼得森大厅 409

David W. Denton

EdD, 好的赌博软件推荐

Email: dentod@gcherish.com
Phone: 206-281-2504
Office: 彼得森大厅 317


Professor, 课程 and 指令; Chair, MEd Literacy, Language, and Equity
PhD, Michigan State University

Email: grittk@gcherish.com
Phone: 206-281-2323
Office: 彼得森大厅 309


Director of Graduate Teacher Education; Assistant Professor of Teacher Education
EdD, 好的赌博软件推荐

Email: heineysmithj@gcherish.com
Phone: 206-281-2372
Office: 彼得森大厅 311

Krystle Jalalian-Chursky

Assistant Professor, Special Education; Director of Undergraduate Teacher Education
PhD, University of London, Birkbeck

Email: jalaliank@gcherish.com
Phone: 206-281-2365
Office: 彼得森大厅 313


Assistant Director of Graduate Teacher Education
PhD, 好的赌博软件推荐


Professor of Education; Chair of Special Education

Email: preciadoj@gcherish.com
Phone: 206-281-2794
Office: 彼得森大厅 406


Associate 课程教授 and 指令; Assistant Dean
EdD, 好的赌博软件推荐

Email: rennp@gcherish.com
Phone: 206-281-2028
Office: 彼得森大厅305


课程教授 & 指令
EdD, 好的赌博软件推荐

Email: dwicks@gcherish.com
Phone: 206-281-2367
Office: 彼得森大厅 411



To meet the changing needs of adult learners, 好的赌博软件推荐提供广泛的项目和课程,以满足当今专业人士的需求. With competitive credit and program rates, these personal and professional development opportunities make lifelong learning very affordable. As the largest provider of continuing education credits for teachers in Washington State, SPU's Center for Professional Education is focused on the current needs of K-12 educators.

5000级的学分课程是研究生级别的课程,主要是为满足教师和其他专业人员的需求而设计的,目的是满足认证要求, 支持, 地区支付通道要求和其他专业需求. These Graduate-level courses may be considered to meet elective requirements in some cases.

还有问题吗?? Review FAQs.







*$670 每一个信用 for core certification coursework; $735 每一个信用 for master's component courses







在申请助学金之前,你必须先被研究生项目录取. 确保你:

  • Enroll in at least 3 credits (or half-time) toward a degree or eligible certificate each quarter.
  • Complete and submit the Free 应用程序 for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) each year.

You may take advantage of scholarships and loans. SPU does not have a deadline for graduate financial aid, though earlier is always better than later! 

了解更多有关 FAFSA and applying for financial help.

了解更多赌博十大靠谱软件 scholarships, assistantships, and loans available to graduate students.


拥有高级学位的学生进入数学和科学在线教学加速硕士课程,可以利用SPU的第二个硕士学位. 通过请愿程序, students may receive a waiver for four of the five required "master's component" courses. 获得高级学位的学生只需要完成EDU 6085以及所有认证课程就可以获得SPU的第二个硕士学位. 总共,学生可以完成认证和第二个硕士学位48学分.


了解更多赌博十大靠谱软件 行政和其他教育学院项目费用.




Applicants must have at least a bachelor’s degree from an accredited 学院或大学. 每年三月都会招收新学员,并开始暑期班.


Applicants must submit the following items to 研究生招生:

  • 应用程序 50美元的申请 手续费.
  • 官方成绩单 documenting bachelor's degree (including official transcripts from all colleges/universities attended).
    • Note: To be considered official, 成绩单必须装在学院或大学的密封信封中. Transcripts may be delivered to 研究生招生 as long as they remain in their original, 未开封的大学信封. Electronic transcripts received via eSCRIP-SAFE or Parchment Exchange are also acceptable.
    • If your degree is not from a U.S. 学院或大学, please arrange for your transcript to be evaluated by an accredited transcript-evaluation company, such as FIS or WES. 报告是否直接转发到研究生招生处.
  • 个人陈述 (1 - 2页)
  • Résumé
  • 两到四个字母 推荐信
  • WEST-B scores, preferred minimum score 240 on each subtest (e.g., reading, writing, and 数学)
    • Applicants may use a combination of SAT, ACT, 和WEST-B成绩达到WEST-B要求(阅读和写作), 数学). 请联系 研究生招生 如果你有问题.
    • 首选SAT成绩(2016年3月5日开始的考试日期)-数学:27.阅读:27分,写作:28分
    • Preferred SAT scores required (for test date up to 3/4/2016) — Math: 515, Reading: 500, Writing: 490
    • Preferred ACT scores required — Math: 22, 阅读:22, Writing: 8 (for test date beginning 9/1/2016), or Writing: 23 (for test date 9/1/2015 through 8/31/16), or Writing: 8 (for test date up to 8/31/2015) 
  • Passing 国家背书测验
    • WEST-E或NES必须在项目开始日期之前的5月1日之前通过.
    • Several NES学习指南 are located on the main floor Reference section of the SPU图书馆.
  • 核实背书准备情况
    • 背书是教师准备教授的内容和等级. The Professional Education Standards Board (PESB) 提供了SPU提供的所有背书的综合列表.
    • 如果你的大学专业与你想要的背书相符, 填妥申请表格内的签注核实表格.
    • 如果你的专业与你想要的背书不匹配,请联系 核证办事处. Complete the Endorsement Verification form 只有在 contacting the 认证 Office. 在表格上, 表明你已经与认证办公室取得了联系,并列出你的“批准的学习计划”,如果已经制定了.
  • Moral and Professional Character Policy form (found in the online application)
  • 在截止日期前提交完整文件的申请人将在3月份在SPU校园进行面试. Invitations to interview are sent by email. Applicants are advised to add 这些电子邮件地址 as contacts to avoid inadvertent delivery of correspondence to spam or junk folders.



    Regular admission: February 1

    应用程序 and admissions questions?

    Contact 研究生招生 at 800-601-0603 or gradadmissions@gcherish.com.





这因程序而异. Admission to some programs, such as the Accelerated Master in Teaching Mathematics and Science (AMTMS), Accerated Master of Arts in Teaching (还) 医学博士在学校辅导中国的竞争非常激烈. SPU的每个教育研究生课程的录取都是基于标准的, 所有申请者必须符合所有入学标准.

Can I continue to work while enrolled in a graduate degree program in the SPU 教育学院?

是的,在大多数情况下. Most of the graduate degree programs offered by the 教育学院 are part-time programs, 在各种员工友好的场所提供课程. 教育研究生课程安排在SPU或校外, 在晚上, 偶尔在星期六, 在夏天.

The Acclerated Master of Arts in Teaching (还) Accelerated Master in Teaching Mathematics and Science (AMTMS) programs are exceptions. 因为是全职实习,所以是一年制的全日制项目.

Is it possible to complete a graduate degree from SPU's 教育学院 online?

教育学院提供几个完全在线的课程,包括 AMAT-OnlineAMTMS-Online数字教育领导, and 教师领导能力 programs. 请查看项目页面了解资格要求.

Is a graduate program at SPU more expensive than comparable education programs at other universities?

SPU's graduate tuition rates are competitive with other accredited universities in Washington.


20多年来,SPU的教育学院除了提供研究生证书外,还提供广泛的完全认可的硕士和博士学位. SPU在华盛顿和全国的P-12教育中享有很高的声誉, 完成研究生学位和证书课程的学生就业率高于全州平均水平.
