访问 Seattle Pacific

Our students say
What's it like at SPU
Two students, Omni Lott and Jesselyn Cruz, talk about how academics, 信仰, 和社区都聚集在西雅图太平洋.

访问 事件
SPU students enjoying the sunshine in Martin Square

*Counts toward 访问 Scholarship

什么:加入赌博十大靠谱软件的校园,参加辅导员带领的信息会议,在那里你将了解更多赌博十大靠谱软件的大学和赌博十大靠谱软件的申请流程, ask questions, and tour campus with a current student!

: Anyone interested in SPU and their guests.



Three SPU students walk up a set of stairs on campus

*Counts toward 访问 Scholarship

什么:通过可定制的访问时间表体验SPU! 你可以与辅导员见面,参加参观,在赌博十大靠谱软件的食堂享用午餐,等等!

: Anyone interested in SPU.




*Counts toward 访问 Scholarship


: Anyone interested in SPU.


在哪里: Online via Zoom.


*Counts toward 访问 Scholarship

什么:生活 like an SPU student for a day! 这次为期一天的访问包括赌博十大靠谱软件特定学术项目的信息会议, financial aid, and admissions. 此外,你将参观赌博十大靠谱软件美丽的校园,并在赌博十大靠谱软件屡获殊荣的食堂享用午餐.

: Anyone interested in SPU and their guests

: Returning this fall


student wearing glasses

*Counts toward 访问 Scholarship



: Click "注册" below to view offerings.


转学生在学生会大楼外会面| Marco Gutierrez摄

*Counts toward 访问 Scholarship

什么:回答您赌博十大靠谱软件SPU转移体验的所有问题. 参观一下,了解一下招生情况,并与教职员工和其他转学生互动. 您也可以在访问期间收到临时录取决定*!





father and son

什么:由SPU领导为家长和家庭举办的一系列在线研讨会. 回答你的问题,包括安全、经济援助、学术、信仰等等!

: 父母 and family members interested in SPU

: Returning this fall

students in Tiffany loop

*Counts toward 访问 Scholarship

什么:信息会议和研讨会将帮助您更多地了解SPU, 如何申请, 下一个步骤, 和更多的!


: Returning this fall


*Counts toward 访问 Scholarship

什么:专门为国际学生举办的一小时在线研讨会. Whether you have been admitted to SPU, have begun an application, or are just looking for more information, you are invited to join us!

: Prospective and admitted international students.


students chat in tiffany loop

*Counts toward 访问 Scholarship

什么:如果平日没有时间,请在星期六参观SPU的校园! 对于任何想要了解好的赌博软件推荐赌博十大靠谱软件的招生过程的人来说,这个周末的参观机会是一个很好的选择. 加入赌博十大靠谱软件的招生工作人员,参加一个小时的信息发布会,然后赌博十大靠谱软件!

: Anyone interested in SPU and their guests!

: Returning this fall



*Counts toward 访问 Scholarship

什么:为赌博十大靠谱软件录取的学生量身定制的校园活动. 在这些独家录取的学生活动期间,体验所有好的赌博软件推荐所提供的.

: Admitted Students

: Returning this fall

An SPU student works on their laptop in Tiffany Loop

*Counts toward 访问 Scholarship

什么:生活, 一小时, 由学生金融服务办公室领导的每月网络研讨会涵盖了学生入学和来到SPU所需的下一步经济援助步骤. 赌博十大靠谱软件将涵盖奖学金、助学金、经济援助信等主题!

: Returning this fall

在哪里: Online via Zoom

Dates to qualify

一年级和转学生可以通过招生办公室参加两次合格的虚拟访问和一次亲自访问,以获得最高1美元的访问奖学金,500 for Autumn Quarter 2024!



Automatic qualifications


  1. 被SPU录取(即使他们在访问日期之后被录取)
  2. Have registered and attended two qualifying official, Admissions-sponsored, 虚拟参观(500美元)或一次亲自校园参观(1美元),000), during the dates listed above, during the year prior to enrollment. 只有与招生顾问的一次Zoom预约可以计入奖学金的虚拟部分.
  3. 注册全职在西雅图太平洋为即将到来的秋季季度.

This scholarship of up to $1,500 is non-renewable (one year only), and is dispersed over the Autumn, 冬天, and Spring quarters of a student’s first year at SPU.

Events that do NOT qualify


  • Parent webinars
  • Self-guided tours or our 360 interactive virtual tour
  • New Student Advising
  • Athletics visits

*学生必须注册两次虚拟访问才能获得500美元, and one on campus visit to earn an additional $1,000. 只有与招生顾问预约一次,Zoom才能获得500美元的虚拟访问奖学金. 你的来访必须标记为有招生工作人员出席. 访问奖学金根据“出席”状态自动颁发, 当学生的经济援助计划更新时,学生将收到学生金融服务部门的提醒.

假期或期末考试不是计划你的旅行的最佳时间. You're always welcome to walk around campus, 但在这些日子里很少或根本没有提供参观服务:

Dates to avoid visiting campus
December 4–8* Autumn Quarter Finals
December 11–January 2* Student Christmas Break
December 24–January 1 Christmas Break (campus closed)
7月4日 Independence Day (campus closed)
9月4日 Labor Day (campus closed)
5月28日 Memorial Day (campus closed)
1月15日 Martin Luther King Jr. Day (campus closed)
2月19日 Presidents Day (campus closed)
March 19–23* 春假
June 4–June 8* Spring Quarter Finals
November 23–24 Thanksgiving (campus closed)
11月10日 退伍军人 Day Observed (campus closed)
March 12–16* 冬天 Quarter Finals

360 campus TourS

Virtually walk through campus on a sunny day. 走进一间教室,在海滨、海滩或市区上空翱翔. Explore the tours →